Terri Pastori addresses politics in the workplace in NH Bar Association News article

Published article discusses labor and employment law, politics in the workplace

Attorney Terri Pastori was published in the New Hampshire Bar Association News on April 19, 2017. The article, which discusses employment law and politics in the workplace, is entitled "Labor & Employment Law: Political Discussions at Work: Examining Rights and Regulations."  A link to the electronic version of the article can be found below.As she explains in her article, the presence of politics in the workplace, as well as the discussions and events that can occur as a result, can raise a number of potential issues for the unwary employer.  While it should (though does not always) go without saying, the first step to addressing potential issues in the workplace is to be aware of them."When politics surface in private workplaces, it has the potential to disrupt productivity, affect morale, and impact working relationships," writes Pastori.  "Workplace protection for employees based upon their political affiliations and political speech is a complex issue requiring an analysis of federal and state law, and depends, in part, on whether an employer is public or private."Read the rest of the article here: https://www.nhbar.org/publications/display-news-issue.asp?id=8814Attorney Pastori is a founding member of Pastori | Krans in Concord, NH. She counsels and represents employers and employees in all aspects of their employment relationships in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Please feel free to review the "Attorneys" section of our website for a more detailed biography. 


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